Some dates will remain fixed in our memories, because of the significance of the day. Dates like December 7, 1941 and the attack on Pearl Harbor. Or November 22, 1963 and the assassination of President John Kennedy. Most recently, October 7, 2023 and the Hamas Attack on Israel when 6,000 Hamas terrorists brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis, the most Jewish deaths in a single day since the Holocaust.
Today, on our Pastors and Christian Leaders Tour to Israel, we went to Nova, the site where Hamas unleashed a brutal attack on young adults, opening fire on them as they danced and enjoyed music. They attacked those gathered like a shooting gallery, killing 364 and taking captive many others, taking them to Gaza.
I took the photos below today. Nova has become an evolving memorial site for what happened that day. I focused on the couple, so youthful and full of life and hope. But their lives were snuffed out in the attack of October 7. Let the photos remind you of what Israel is fighting for: survival and security. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s words still resonate in my mind: “This is a war of light against darkness, of good against evil. And light must win.”
Pray for the families impacted by this war, whether soldiers or hostages, for renewing of their bodies, minds, hearts and spirits.

October 7 Memorial at Nova

October 7 Memorial at Nova