June 5, 2018

In News Surrounding Israel by The Friends of Israel

IDF Shoots Dead Armed Terrorist Attempting Gaza Border Breach

IDF soldiers killed one of two armed Terrorists Monday (4th) as they attempted to cross the border from the Gaza Strip into Israel.

The terrorists who were carrying axes damaged the security fence in what was the latest attempt by Palestinians in Gaza to infiltrate into Israeli territory.



Liberman Vows Retaliation For Hamas, Islamic Jihad Kite Attacks

Israel will retaliate for incendiary kite and helium balloon attacks from the Gaza Strip, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman vowed at a meeting at the Knesset Monday (4th).

“It must be clear we are unwilling to accept these attacks, riots on the fence, or attempts to rush the fence and harm land that is under Israeli sovereignty,” Liberman said.

“We will act according to Israel’s interests at timing that is comfortable to us.  We will not leave accounts open. Accounts will be settled with Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the rest of the terrorists operating against us from the Gaza Strip.”

His remarks were made a day before the Palestinians hold their Nakba Day (Tuesday, 5th) in commemoration of the 1967 “setback” when Israel took control of the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan Heights, and east Jerusalem during the Six Day War.



Rivlin Called On Abbas To Condemn Gaza Kite Attacks

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin called Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas on Monday (4th) to ask him to condemn the airborne arson attacks on the Gaza border and attempts to cross into Israel.

“The terror coming from Gaza is a problem for both sides and we should hear your voice on this matter,” Rivlin said.  “We have to see how to stop the arson and infiltration of the border fence.”

The president also wished Abbas a happy Ramadan and a successful recovery following his hospitalization last month.

(timesofisrael.com; afp.com)


Israel Shares Key Files From Iran Nuclear Archives With EU Allies

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in Europe this week for meetings in Berlin, Paris and London concerning Iran

He met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday (4th), and will head to France, and then the UK.

After a 90-minute meeting with Angela Merkel, Netanyahu said he and the chancellor appeared to see eye to eye on the dangers posed by Iran’s military presence in Syria.

Merkel announced at a press conference with Netanyahu following their meeting, “[We] will exert our influence in such a way that “Iran is pushed out of this region.”  She said Berlin will take a close look at Iran’s activities, and seek to contain them.

Ahead of the meetings, according to British daily The Times, Netanyahu shared with Israel’s allies some of the top-secret files obtained by the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, proving the military nature of Iran’s nuclear program.   



Israel Accepted 6,000 Gazans For Medical Treatment In Past Four Months

Ahead of a Knesset discussion Monday (4th) on the situation in the Gaza Strip, it emerged that Israel allowed over 6,000 Gazans to enter Israel to receive medical care over the past four months.

Meirav Ben-Ari, a Member of the Knesset, said that according to data provided to her by the IDF, over 6,000 Gaza residents were allowed through the Erez Crossing that separates southern Israel from Gaza in order to receive medical treatment in Israeli hospitals.



Iranian Official: ‘We’re Not Leaving Syria’

A senior Iranian military official on Sunday (3rd) dismissed speculation that Iranian forces might withdraw from Syria, the Tasnim news agency reported.

“Iran and Syria enjoy deep relations that would not be influenced by the propaganda measures of anyone,” said Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri, an advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces.

“The biggest fear of the Zionist regime of Israel is the presence of Muslim fighters in its proximity,” he explained, adding, “now that this has come true, the US and Israel are making desperate efforts to change the situation.”

“But they should know that this condition is not going to change,” he added.

(tasnimnews.com; israelnn.com)


Khamenei: Israel A ‘Cancerous Tumor’ That ‘Must Be Eradicated’

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Sunday (3rd) lashed out at Israel, calling the Jewish state the “cancerous tumor” of the region that must be “removed and eradicated.”

He criticized Israel for its handling of the Hamas orchestrated “March of Return,” and said…”Israel will be removed, it will happen.”



Proud Parents In Gaza Video, Under-Fives Dressed as Heavily-Armed Jihadis – Charlie Bayliss

Disturbing footage has emerged of children at the Al-Hoda nursery school graduation in Gaza dressing up as jihadis and storming an Israeli building.  They then take a child dressed in Orthodox Jewish clothing, hostage, before pretending to kill an Israeli soldier.



Israel To Aid Guatemala After Volcano Kills 25

Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced Monday (4th) that it is sending money to Guatemala to assist local authorities in the Central American country after a volcano eruption killed dozens and forced thousands to flee their homes.

More than 300 people have been treated for injuries.

Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales has declared a three-day period of national mourning in the wake of the disaster.

Last month, Guatemala became the second country to relocate its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.



Arab Assailants Attack Jewish Teen Listening To Israeli Music In Berlin

Arab assailants attacked a German Jewish teenager who was listening to Israeli music on his mobile phone Saturday (2nd) at the Zoologischer Garten train station in western Berlin.

The attackers cursed the teen, identified only as a 17-year-old Berlin native named Jonathan, and threatened to kill him.  When his non-Jewish friends came to his defense, they were hit by the attackers. One of the victims was cut in the face and hand from a broken bottle and required hospitalization.

Jonathan’s assailants said to him, “Berlin is ours now and you won’t listen to crappy Jewish music here,” and “If we had a knife, we would finish you.”

The attack was caught on film by security cameras.  The police were called but arrived after the attackers fled.
