May 15, 2018

In News Surrounding Israel by The Friends of Israel

Netanyahu Thanks Trump For Keeping Promises, Moving Embassy to Jerusalem

Sixty-nine years after Israel declared Jerusalem as its capital, and 23 years after the US Congress passed a law mandating that Washington move its embassy there, the US formally opened its embassy in the city on Monday afternoon (14th), in a move Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called “courageous” and “momentous.”

“What a glorious day. Remember this moment!” Netanyahu entreated the applauding crowd.  “President Trump, by recognizing history, you have made history. All of us are deeply moved.  All of us are deeply grateful.”

President Trump addressed the crowd in Jerusalem via video, and some of the US delegation members in attendance, spoke during the program.



Greenblatt:  Delaying Embassy Move Brought Us No Closer To Peace Agreement

Jason Greenblatt laid out in a Twitter thread Monday morning (14th) the US administration’s reasons for the US Embassy move:

“More than two decades of waivers delaying the Embassy move brought us no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.”

“Jerusalem is the seat of the modern Israeli government.  It is the home of the Israeli parliament, the Israeli Supreme Court and is the location of the official residence of the Prime Minister and the President, as well as the headquarters of many government ministries.”

“Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is simply a recognition of reality.  Israel is a sovereign nation, and like every sovereign nation, it has a right to determine its own capital.”



40 Nations Attended Opening Of US Embassy In Jerusalem

Of the 86 national diplomatic corps that were extended an invitation to the embassy opening, 40 were in attendance, including the ambassadors from Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria and Romania.

Some that declined the invitation included Russia, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Mexico, Portugal, Australia, Poland and Sweden.



President Trump Awarded “Protector Of Jerusalem Award”

Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister Zeev Elkin announced on Monday (14th) at the Knesset’s Jerusalem Day ceremony that his ministry decided to grant President Donald Trump of the United States the “Protector of Jerusalem Medal,” saying nobody was more appropriate. Elkin explained: “The reasons for his win are clear.  President Trump made a significant contribution to Israel’s capital by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel – not only that, but also transferring the American Embassy officially to Jerusalem on extremely fast schedules.”

Elkin concluded, “There is no doubt that this event will be taught in history as the watershed in the status of Jerusalem and will have a great influence on the international status of Jerusalem.



Abbas Says Embassy Move A ‘New Occupation,’ Vows To Snub US

PA leader Mahmoud Abbas convened an emergency meeting in Ramallah after the US Embassy move, which he branded “a new occupation,” and an “assault on PA sovereignty – and on our established rights.”

He called for a three-day general strike to mourn the Palestinians killed in Gaza, according to Israeli TV.



Iran Funding Hamas Efforts To Foment Border Violence, Shin Bet Says

Iran is funding Hamas’ efforts to promote violence and attacks against Israel under the cover of mass demonstrations at the border, the Shin Bet security service said in a statement.

“There is a prohibition for Hamas operatives to approach the border, for fear of being killed or captured.  However, Hamas actively encourages Palestinian civilians and children to approach the border en masse,” the statement said, citing findings from a number of captured protesters during interrogations.

Israel has previously exposed Iran’s involvement in so-called popular resistance, supposedly spontaneous Palestinian demonstrations that are in fact well-orchestrated events by the Islamic Republic.



IDF Dropped Leaflets In Gaza, Warning Civilians To Keep Away From Border

IDF jets on Monday morning (14th) distributed leaflets over the Gaza Strip warning Palestinian civilians not to approach the security fence.

The leaflets also stressed to Gaza residents that Hamas, which rules the Strip, was putting their lives at risk by encouraging them to commit violence and attempt to infiltrate Israel.



IDF Thwarts Terror Attacks As 40,000 Took Part In Gaza Protests

An IAF fighter jet struck five terrorist targets in the northern Gaza Strip in response to violent acts by Hamas along the security fence on Monday (14th), according to IDF reports.  The targets included military training facilities belonging to Hamas.

Earlier on Monday (14th), two additional Hamas military positions were hit by tank-and-aircraft fire, after IDF forces were shot at by Hamas from the northern part of the coastal enclave.



Gaza Death Toll At 52; Over 1,000 Injured

Gaza’s health officials say a total of 52 Palestinians were killed and 1,000 were wounded during violent clashes on the Gaza border Monday (14th).



Knesset Speaker:  Hamas Leaders Only Want More Blood, Dead And Wounded

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, on Monday, (14th) expressed his support for the Israel Defense Forces and other security forces against the backdrop of Gazan violence at Israel’s security barrier.

Writing on Twitter he said, “Hamas is a terrorist organization that does not want to see Gaza overcome its problems.  The world must understand that its murderous leaders only want to ignite more fire, and see more blood, dead and wounded.  They again encountered the Israeli Iron Wall, whose sole purpose is to protect the citizens of Israel and the southern communities.”
