May 30, 2018

In News Surrounding Israel by The Friends of Israel

Machine Gun Fire, Rockets Hit Israeli Southern Communities

Several structures and vehicles in the town of Sderot were hit by machine gun fire from the Gaza Strip on Monday evening (28th).

On Tuesday morning (29th), at least 27 rockets were fired at Israeli towns surrounding the Gaza Strip, with at least two exploding inside the communities – one in a kindergarten yard.

Authorities told Israelis to remain within 15 seconds of bomb shelters as Islamist terrorists based in Hamas-controlled Gaza continued to shoot dozens of rockets and mortar shells at Jewish communities in the south, Tuesday afternoon (29th).

Two Israelis were injured in the attacks while running to bomb shelters.  

Three IDF soldiers were also injured by shrapnel, two lightly and one moderately.



IDF Pounded Gaza Targets After PM Vowed ‘Heavy Price For Mortar Salvo

The IDF began retaliating for the barrage of mortar shells and rockets fired into Israel Tuesday (29th) with military assaults on Islamic Jihad and Hamas targets after PM Benjamin Netanyahu convened an urgent security meeting, vowing to respond with ‘great power.’

The prime minister said, “Israel views gravely the attacks against it and against its communities by Hamas and Islamic Jihad from the Gaza Strip.  The IDF will respond with great power to these attacks. Israel will exact a heavy price and I see Hamas as bearing responsibility.”

Israeli jets began dropping bombs at what security officials in Gaza called Islamic Jihad and Hamas military training camps, arms manufacturing sites, and terrorist command centers.



Hamas, Islamic Jihad Vow To Answer ‘Blood For Blood’

The Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups put out a statement jointly taking responsibility for the extensive fire targeting Israel’s southern communities Tuesday (29th),  

The statement said in part, “All options are open to the resistance – bombings will be met with bombings and blood with blood.  We will adhere to this equation – no matter the cost.”



IDF: Missiles Fired At Israel From Gaza Made In Iran

The IDF has revealed that the projectiles fired at Israel on Tuesday (29th) were made in Iran.

“The Palestinian Islamic Jihad is a terrorist organization rooted in Iranian ideology,” the IDF spokesperson said in a statement.  “Today they used Iranian-made weapons.” “Islamic Jihad’s role indicates we are witnessing an attempt by Iran to spark a war on the southern border.”



Terrorist Rockets Knockout Gaza Power; Deprive Residents Of Electricity

In addition to hitting an Israeli kindergarten, Gaza rockets launched by terrorists caused serious damage to infrastructure that supplies electricity to communities in the Hamas-run territory.

As a result, residential buildings in the Gaza Strip lost power according to an announcement Tuesday evening (29th) by the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC).



Despite Ongoing rockets, Schools Near Gaza Border Set To Open Wednesday

Even though Gaza rocket fire at southern Israeli communities continued into the night Tuesday, (29th) schools are set to open as normal on Wednesday (30th).  Security officials said school buses will operate as usual, but there will be a greater security presence. All the regional councils in the vicinity are in agreement.  However residents were instructed to remain in close proximity of bomb shelters.



US, Europe Stand With Israel In Denouncing Hamas

Jason Greenblatt, US President Donald Trump’s Middle-East envoy denounced the barrage of mortars and rockets launched from the Gaza Strip at Israel Tuesday (29th), tweeting that the attack was “reprehensible” and that “all Hamas can offer is terror.”

France also denounced the hostilities perpetrated by the Palestinian terror groups, reiterating its “unconditional commitment to Israel’s security.”

Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said, “I strongly condemn the firing of rockets from Gaza at Israel today.  I feel for the people of Gaza who live in impossible conditions, but this Hamas-led violence undermines the Palestinian cause.”



IDF Destroys Over One-Mile-Long Hamas Terror Tunnel Entering Into Israel

The IDF released a statement Tuesday afternoon (29th) saying it was in the process of destroying a
“high standard tunnel” near the Kerem Shalom goods border crossing into Israel from the Gaza Strip, with the tunnel branching also towards Egypt.

An army official said the tunnel was for both smuggling and terrorism, and “was the tenth tunnel we have destroyed.”



Boat Attempting To Break Gaza Blockade Stopped By Navy

The Israeli Navy stopped a protest flotilla disembarking from the Gaza Strip Tuesday afternoon (29th) with the intention of reaching the port of Limassol in Cyprus.  Previously, Hamas prevented some of the boats from continuing into the no-go naval zone off the enclave’s shores, with only one sailing on.

The flotilla organizers said their goal was to break through the naval blockade placed by Israel on the isolated enclave.

The IDF noted that its forces stopped the boat which carried 17 individuals.  The boat’s takeover was carried out without incident.



Terrorist Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ Kills Three In Belgian City

A Man shouting “Allahu Akbar” shot three people to death, including two police officers, in the Belgian city of Liege on Tuesday (29th), a city official said.  Police killed the attacker.

A number of officers were wounded in an exchange of fire.

The shooting took place near a cafe on Liege Boulevard d’Avroy.

Belgium has been the target of several Islamic terror attacks in recent years.
