April 10, 2018

In News Surrounding Israel by The Friends of Israel

Israel accused of strike in Syria

Russia and Syria’s military blamed Israel for a strike early Monday (9th) on a major air base in central Syria, saying Israeli fighter jets launched missiles from Lebanese airspace.

A war-monitoring group said the airstrikes killed 14 people, including a number of Iranians active in Syria.

Since 2012, Israel has struck inside Syria more than 100 times, mostly targeting suspected weapons’ convoys destined for Hizbullah, which has been fighting alongside Syrian government forces.



US officials: Israel struck Syrian airbase, informed us beforehand

Senior US government officials confirmed Monday (9th) that Israeli fighter jets carried out the airstrikes on an airbase in central Syria and informed the White House of its intentions beforehand, according to NBC news.

The two officials told the US news outlet just hours after Washington disavowed responsibility for the attack.

Meanwhile, Israel refused to comment on the bombing that took place near the ancient city of Palmyra, declining to confirm American claims.

(ynetnews.com; nbc.com)


Israeli officials warn against Iran’s ‘dangerous empowerment’ in Syria

Senior Israeli defense officials expressed serious concerns over the implications of last week’s summit in Ankara at which the leaders of Iran, Russia and Turkey discussed the aftermath of the Syrian civil war and how the spoils would be divided once the hostilities conclude.

“Iran views the outcome of the Ankara summit as a green light to continue entrenching itself in Syria,” one senior defense official said, calling it, “a disconcerting development for Israel.”

“The fact that Iran participated in such a summit, under Russia’s wing, gives the Iranians the tailwind to continue on their current path,” an Israeli official said.  “This is a blatant, dangerous empowerment of negative forces in the region.”



Iran: If Trump pulls out of nuclear deal, US will regret it

The United States “will surely regret it” if President Donald Trump pulls out of the nuclear deal with Iran, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday (9th).

Iran’s response would be stronger than the U.S. imagines and would come “within a week” Rouhani said.

Trump has effectively set May 12 as a deadline for European powers to “fix the terrible flaws” of the 2015 deal, with U.S. sanctions that were lifted under the deal set to resume, unless Trump waives them.



Israel bombs Hamas target, responding to cross-border attack

Israel’s Air force on Monday morning (9th) hit a Hamas terror target in Gaza in response to a cross-border attack earlier in the day.

Three terrorists infiltrated Israel through the security fence near the northern Gaza Strip then returned to Gaza when an IDF tank fired at them.

IDF troops later located two bombs placed by the terrorists at the scene.



Abbas’ advisor condemns Hamas for “media martyrdom” – sending civilians to die for propaganda purposes – Itamar Marcus

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Islamic Affairs and Supreme Sharia Judge, on Friday (6th) in Ramallah accused Hamas of deliberately encouraging civilians to endanger themselves: “You Palestinians, our people, go and die so that we’ll go to the TV and media with strong declarations.”  Al-Habbash claimed that Palestinians are not being fooled by Hamas anymore.



Hamas leader threatens to attack settlements

Senior Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar on Sunday (8th) warned the IDF against operating in Gaza in response to the “March of Return,” in which Gazans are marching en masse toward the border with Israel.

Asked about the possibility of Israel attacking in Gaza, Zahar replied, ”The message is clear, an eye for an eye.  If it attacks inside Gaza, we will attack the settlements that are deep inside Israel.”



Abbas: I will not return to Gaza unless Hamas cedes control

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas says that unless he gets full control over the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, including the group’s weapons, he will “not be responsible for what goes on there.”

Abbas’ comments late Sunday (8th) dealt another blow to months of U.S.-backed Egyptian efforts to negotiate a deal that would sideline Hamas and enable Abbas’ Palestinian Authority government to return to Gaza.

Hamas seized the Gaza Strip from forces loyal to Abbas in a violent takeover in 2007.



Arab citizens back Israel, slam Hamas over Gaza border protests

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Arabic social media outlets, usually brimming with comments criticizing Israel, on Friday (6th) were flooded with remarks by citizens of Arab countries exhibiting their aversion of Hamas over its ‘exploitation’ of Gaza and its residents in the border riots.

A surprising number of people from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan and other Arab countries voiced their support of Israel following Friday’s Hamas-led protest on the Gaza border, in which nine people were killed.



Holocaust Remembrance day 2018: Focusing on 70 years of ‘Remembering and Building’

At 10 a.m. on Thursday morning (12th), a siren will sound for two minutes throughout the land of Israel, bringing the usually bustling streets to a complete standstill and marking Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Ceremonies will be held across the country and places of entertainment will be closed.

The central theme for this year’s Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Day is “70 Years of Remembering and Building: Holocaust Survivors and the State of Israel.”
