November 2, 2017

In News Surrounding Israel by The Friends of Israel

Netanyahu condemns NY terror attack

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the vehicular terror attack carried out in New York Tuesday (10/31) killing eight people and wounding eleven.

“To President Trump, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio: We stand with our friends in New York and all Americans following yet another  horrible Islamist terror attack.  We pray for the victims and their families.  Together we will defeat this scourge,” Netanyahu wrote on Facebook.



Danon: Israel will always stand with America

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, on Tuesday (10/31) expressed his condolences to U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley following the terror attack in New York, in which eight people were murdered.

“Just as the U.S. has always stood by our side in our times of need, Israel will always stand with America in the fight against terror.  We send our condolences to the families of those killed and we wish a speedy recovery to those injured,” Danon said.



Netanyahu leaves for historical London event

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara left for London on Wednesday evening (1st).

In London, PM Netanyahu will attend the event marking 100 years since the Balfour Declaration and hold diplomatic and economic meetings.

On Thursday, (2nd) the prime minister will meet with UK Prime Minister Theresa May and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.  In the evening, Netanyahu and his wife will – at the invitation of Lord Rothschild – attend the event marking 100 years since the Balfour Declaration.

UK Prime Minister May, senior officials and members of the Balfour family will also attend

The Netanyahus will return to Israel on Sunday (5th).



Hamas reportedly behind anti-Israel demonstration in London

Terrorist organization Hamas is helping to sponsor an anti-Israel demonstration scheduled to be held in London on Saturday, November 4, during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the city, Israeli officials said Tuesday (10/31).The stated purpose of the demonstration is to protest Britain’s refusal to apologize for the 100-year old Balfour Declaration, which laid the foundations for Israel’s independence



Hamas cedes Gaza border crossings to Palestinian Authority

The Islamist terror group Hamas began ceding control of the Gaza Strip’s border crossings with Israel and Egypt to Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday (1st) under an agreement brokered by Cairo to end a decade of internal schism.

The move marked the most concrete implementation of the October 11 reconciliation deal signed between the two warring Palestinians factions.



Hizbullah leader meets with Hamas deputy leader

Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah met with deputy Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut on Tuesday (10/31), Hizbullah’s Al Manar TV station reported.

According to Al-Manar, the two discussed “the Zionist aggression against Gaza and its ramifications” after the IDF blew up a terror tunnel on the Gaza border crossing into Israeli territory, which was dug by Islamic Jihad.

Nasrallah offered his condolences to al-Arouri, who lives in Beirut after having been expelled from Turkey and Qatar, for the deaths of the terrorists who were in the tunnel when it was blown up.



Israel’s new technology to neutralize terror tunnels – Yoav Zitun

The tunnel dug by Palestinian Islamic JIhad that was exploded by the IDF on Monday (10/30) did not yet have an exit point in Israel, even though it penetrated into Israeli territory.  Israel has installed new technology on the Gaza border with extremely sensitive sensors, which alerted IDF forces in the sector that a tunnel being dug underground had crossed the border.

In tandem with the new technology, the IDF has been installing a new underground obstacle to neutralize tunnels.  It will physically block tunnels using a thick concrete wall that penetrates deep below ground.  Upon detecting a tunnel, it pumps in liquid cement to destroy it.  The system is also capable of overcoming attempts to dig tunnels beneath the wall.



Iran says no to increase in missile range as they can already hit US forces

Iran has no need to increase the range of its ballistic missiles as they could  already reach US forces stationed in the region, the head of the Revolutionary Guards said Tuesday (10/31).

As President Donald Trump seeks to impose new sanctions against Iran’s missile program, Major-General Mohammad Ali Jafari said “sanctions would only increase the number of Iranian missiles, and their precision.”

“Our missiles’ range is 1,200 miles, and that can be increased, but we believe this range is enough for the Islamic Republic as most of the US forces and most of their interests in the region are within this range,” Jafari was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.



Russia starts building Bushehr 2 nuclear power plant in Iran

Construction of the Bushehr 2 nuclear power plant in Iran has begun, Russia’s state atomic energy corporation Rosatom announced Tuesday (10/31).

The project’s cost is estimated at $10 billion and will take up to ten years to complete.

The deal signed by Russia and Iran in November 2014 includes the option of building six more reactors.



Iraqi parliament criminalizes display of “Zionist” flag – Rikar Hussein

Following the display of the Israeli flag in Kurdish pro-independence rallies, The Iraqi parliament voted Tuesday (10/31) to prosecute those who raise the Israeli flag.

“This is an exercise that damages the reputation of Iraq and its nation, and this law punishes it by the maximum penalties,” said Salim al-Jabouri, speaker of the Iraqi parliament.
