Shine A Light For Israel
December 25—January 2
This Hanukkah season, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry is calling on Christians worldwide to show their support for Israel and the Jewish people by placing a candle and free, downloadable sign in their windowsill on the first night of Hanukkah, December 25.
Our Jewish friends around the world continue to feel the unwanted spotlight of hatred that antisemitism has cast on them.
Which is why during Hanukkah–we can show them THEY’RE NOT ALONE!
The Friends of Israel is requesting that Christians light a candle in their window at sundown on the first night of Hanukkah, December 25, and keep it lit through sundown on January 2, to honor the Jewish community and to stand in solidarity with Israel.
A lit candle in every Christian home across the globe from December 25 through January 2 will send an unmistakable message of hope and support to Israel during these difficult times.
Download a sign below, print and affix it to your window alongside a candle. We hope you will join us in showing solidarity with Israel.
In the U.S., text your photos to (805) 779-1938 or tag us online @foigm
Across the globe, tag us on Facebook:
United States: @foigm
Canada: @foicanada
Australia: @foiaustralia
New Zealand: @foinewzealand