There are some days I want Jesus to come back so badly that I feel I can barely breathe. One more day of the heartache of our sin-cursed world just …
Steady As She Goes
As the ebb and flow of world tensions, pandemics, economic booms and recessions, and political theater goes, so goes the ebb and flow of questions and opinions on the end-times. …
5 Ways to Interpret Prophecy
“We’re in the last days!” he said. “I can see parts of Revelation playing out all around us!” My friend was so worked up I could barely get a word …
5 Reasons I Am a Dispensational Premillennialist
Dispensational Premillennialism distinctly holds that God has a positive future for the nation of Israel yet to be realized in the Millennium, the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ on Earth. …
Is the Mark of the Beast Here?
“The COVID-19 vaccine is the mark of the Beast!” Perhaps you’ve seen this claim while scrolling through your social media account. Other popular claims have also been linked to the …
The Amazing Symmetry of Biblical Prophecy
I have long been fascinated by Peter’s words to the Jews in Acts 3 following the healing of the lame man at the Temple gate. After declaring that this miracle …