Gift Catalog



Gift Catalog



Check out the flipbook version of this year's gift catalog →

Jim Showers
Jim Showers, DMin


Dearest Friend of Israel,

“‘ Comfort, yes, comfort My people!’ says your God.” – Isaiah 40:1

This year has provided us with many unique opportunities to comfort the Jewish people with physical relief via humanitarian aid and spiritual hope found only in the Lord.

You can join us in our mission by giving online further down this page. 

In Canada? Donate Here


“Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”

Matthew 25:40

Bless a Holocaust Survivor

Holocaust Care Fund

Holocaust survivors around the world are forgotten, living in poverty and enduring profound suffering. Many are alone, struggling to perform basic tasks, and haunted by memories of hunger, cold, and inescapable pain. You can be a hero to a Holocaust survivor who needs your compassion. Your support delivers food, clothes, medicine, eyeglasses, coats, cleaning supplies, and much-needed spiritual support. With your gift, you can bring light into their lives, reminding them that they are not forgotten. Your generosity can ease their daily struggles and offer a sense of dignity and care in their twilight years.

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Save a Life in Israel

Israel Relief Fund

When missiles and mortars rain down on Israel and citizens have mere seconds to find shelter, you protect thousands in bomb shelters. When a mother fears she cannot keep the baby growing in her womb, you encourage her to save her child’s life from a needless abortion. When a drug addict lies helpless in the streets of Tel Aviv, desperate for a Savior, you minister to him. When a child is too hungry to concentrate in school, you feed her. When terrorists strike at the heart of the Jewish people, you provide trauma counseling and care. When an IDF soldier is wounded on the battlefield, you provide immediate medical treatment and long-term physical therapy and rehabilitation. And when a mother is desperate to escape the violent abuse of her husband, you give her and her children a safe sanctuary. When you give to the Israel Relief Fund, you are tangibly and directly serving the least of these in Israel.

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Serve Those Who Serve Israel

Israel Soldier Aid

The brave young men and women of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) work hard to defend the diverse civilian population of Israel. The Israeli military doesn’t provide all of the necessities for each soldier that you might expect from other militaries. In Israel, families are expected to pick up the slack for things like socks, boots, toiletries, winter clothing, sunglasses, and even things like meals, laundry, and showers. When you give to our Israel Soldier Aid, you are providing basic needs for soldiers throughout Israel through communities of believers like the Jerusalem Assembly and Rehovot Kehila (community). Your gift helps support brave IDF soldiers and also helps minister in Christian love through the body of Christ in Israel. Please note: All aid is strictly humanitarian and does not apply toward tactical gear, ammunition, or weapons.

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Save a Life

Medical Care

Every day, sick and injured people enter our clinic, desperate for quality medical care they cannot afford. Nestled between three Jewish enclaves in Buenos Aires, Argentina, our medical clinic provides every patient with personalized treatment from certified nurses and physicians. For those in need of intensive care, we ensure transportation to major hospitals, all at no cost to the patient. But our care goes beyond physical healing. No patient leaves without being offered spiritual support and experiencing the profound compassion of Christ. Your gift of $50 can make a lifesaving difference for one patient, providing both essential medical treatment and much-needed spiritual healing. By supporting the FOI medical clinic in Buenos Aires, you are not just saving a life—you are offering hope, dignity, and the love of our Savior to those in dire need.

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Comfort My People

Elder Care Fund

The later years of life can often be the loneliest time for many. Demonstrating Christ’s love by spending time with and helping an elderly person is a beautiful way to make a meaningful impact. Supporting the Elder Care Fund, you help foster unique friendships with these precious people. Your contribution enables workers to visit our elderly friends, bringing companionship, food, and medicine. They also assist with transportation to doctor appointments, help with small household projects, and provide vital spiritual support. Your generosity delivers life-giving care and love to elderly friends around the world, ensuring they are cherished and not forgotten. Please help provide life-giving support with medicine, food, and love to our elderly Jewish friends worldwide.

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Sponsor a Basket of Joy

Holiday Baskets in North America

A small gesture of love goes a long, long way! Every year, Friends of Israel workers around the world prepare and hand-deliver thousands of gift baskets to our Jewish friends for Hanukkah and other Jewish holidays. Delighted to receive a basket of delicious and thoughtful goodies, the recipients are often overwhelmed by this act of kindness. When you sponsor a basket, you are making a special moment possible. You are sharing the love of the Messiah and showing that it is the Lord’s love that compels us to remember our Jewish friends during their holiday season.

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Sponsor a Basket of Joy

Holiday Baskets in Eastern Europe

A small gesture of love goes a long, long way! Every year, Friends of Israel workers in Poland and Ukraine prepare and hand-deliver thousands of gift baskets for Hanukkah and other Jewish holidays to our Jewish friends. Delighted to receive a basket of delicious and thoughtful goodies, the recipients are often overwhelmed by this act of kindness. When you sponsor a basket, you are making a special moment possible. You are sharing the love of the Messiah and showing that it is the Lord’s love that compels us to remember our Jewish friends during their holiday season. A gift to the Eastern European gift baskets will be organized through FOI’s ministry in Poland.

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Sharing God’s Love with Jewish Friends

FOI Bridges

So many people come to us asking how to engage with their Jewish friends, family, and colleagues. God is doing many incredible things through FOI’s Bridges program to mobilize believers and reach Jewish communities with the love of Christ. Now, adults of any age can participate in a 9-week online training course to effectively serve the Jewish people. Year-round, hundreds of people participate in FOI Bridges, learning how to get involved in Jewish ministry in respectful and meaningful ways that usher in opportunities to share our faith. We offer this class for free to the student, but it comes at a significant expense to create and distribute materials to students, conduct classes, and host our online classroom. Would you prayerfully consider how God can use you to build bridges and bring hope to the Jewish community through a gift to support FOI Bridges today?

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Give Hope

Tikvah Team

Tikvah is the Hebrew word for “hope.” In a biblical sense, hope is more than a mere wish—it is an eager expectation of good things to come. There is much eager expectation for our Tikvah Team. The Tikvah Team is The Friends of Israel’s North American Ministries volunteer network, a collective of like-minded believers mobilized to serve, support, and bless Jewish people with the love of the Messiah, using their unique gifts and talents in their local communities. Each small act of unconditional love from every volunteer makes a wave of hope for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please bless this effort to reach more Jewish communities by giving to the Tikvah Team. You will provide training, resources, organization, and motivation for a global effort to mobilize the body of Christ in new communities.

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Reach a New Generation

Video Teaching

In a world where distractions are endless and traditional methods often fall short, reaching the next generation requires innovation and dedication. Today, more than 80 percent of Americans get their information online, making our ministry’s digital engagement critical. With our new state-of-the-art video studio, we are now creating, producing, and publishing dynamic content that meets young people where they are—online. Your support ensures that the same high-quality Bible teaching you trust from The Friends of Israel will now resonate with a new generation. With your gift to this initiative, you are supporting more than just video production; you are investing in the spiritual growth of people across the globe. Your gift has the power to transform lives, spread the gospel, and extend the Good News farther than ever before.

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Edify the Body of Christ

FOI Equip Online

Did you know the Bible you read is a Jewish book from Genesis to Revelation? It tells the story of God’s Chosen People and His plan to bring salvation to the whole world through Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. The more you learn about the Jewishness of the Bible, the greater your love for Jesus will grow. These online classes are open to anyone around the world—including you! Thousands participate in more than 20 classes offered each year. To keep these classes available to the public, provide excellent content, and meaningfully educate, we need your help! Your gift will provide resources and teachers, enrich the body of Christ with a deeper understanding of the Jewish roots of our faith, and foster a greater love for Jesus and His Word. Join us in this mission to edify the body of Christ. Your support will nurture faith and expand knowledge for thousands of individuals around the world.

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Engage with the Jewish People


There is no better way to learn about the Jewish people than by encountering them in everyday life. Your gift provides a unique encounter with Jewish people for someone interested in ministry and service to the Jewish people. This FOI Encounter experience includes touring an Orthodox synagogue and communities in Brooklyn, spending a Sabbath evening with a Jewish family, attending a Sabbath service, lectures from Jewish leaders, and a service project helping a local Jewish population. We heavily subsidize FOI’s Encounter program so that cost is not an obstacle for high schoolers and young adults. You can help shape and mentor a future generation whom God calls into service and possibly full-time ministry by giving a gift to help them Encounter Judaism.

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Share Your Love of Israel

Israel My Glory Magazine

What’s the first page you turn to in your Israel My Glory (IMG) magazine? We know it’s “Apples of Gold.” And we know you are as excited about Israel’s prophetic future as we are! Because of donors like you, FOI can continue to provide strong biblical teaching and a connection to the Jewish people that reaches people in more than 70 countries through Israel My Glory magazine. Your support enables IMG to continue to publish and distribute solid, biblical teaching—even to those who cannot afford a subscription. If you have read and loved Israel My Glory, please give the gift of a subscription to share this beloved resource with someone who needs its message of hope today.

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Spread the Gospel Over the Airwaves

The Friends of Israel Today Radio

The Friends of Israel Today radio program is experiencing rapid growth online as a podcast. When you support The Friends of Israel Today radio program and podcast, you help guide people to Christ and strengthen others in their faith journey. Your generous contribution enables us to produce weekly podcasts and broadcast The Friends of Israel Today radio on the airwaves on more than 500 stations. Your gift directly impacts the lives of over 2 million listeners, offering encouragement, uncompromising biblical truth, and connection to the Jewish roots of Christian faith.

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Launch a Witness for Christ

Mission Launch North American Ministries

Embarking on a journey to serve in full-time ministry with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry evokes a whirlwind of emotions—exhilaration, challenge, and even fear. But above all, it is a profound blessing to those who receive physical and spiritual compassion from a caring, dedicated witness. By supporting this journey, you make a calling a reality for someone destined to serve in Jewish ministry in North America. Your gift today will launch, equip, train, and prepare new FOI missionaries, empowering them to serve the Jewish community full time in our neighborhoods and to teach in our churches. Together, we can ensure that the love of Christ reaches every corner of the Jewish world.

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Give Hope on Campuses

Campus Ministry

It is difficult to watch the images of terrorism and assault happening on college campuses today. Around the world, Jewish students are scared to attend classes, Christian students are discouraged into silence, and the atmosphere has become hostile, even violent, against those who stand with Israel. We prioritize reaching young adults on their own turf in multiple ways and support student-led efforts to stand with Israel, Jewish students, and faculty. By supporting FOI’s campus ministry, you are sending believers forth to help Jewish students know that they are not alone and encourage Christians to be bold. Through their ministry, they help spread the truth and love of our Savior in the harsh spiritual climate of academia. Your contributions fight campus antisemitism, open hearts, lead a new generation to life in Christ, and help them grow in their faith.

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Train Up a Child

Israel Youth Camps

Right now, there is a tremendous need for fellowship and discipleship of young believers in the church in Israel. The body of Christ and the young Christians you can support in the Holy Land are growing. Your love and support for this special group of young people, ages 3–18, help them participate in youth groups at their local church, and provide supplies and food for summer camps and Sunday school. Through these transformational programs, they learn of Jesus’ love for them in the places where He lived, taught, died, resurrected, and will come again. Please take advantage of this incredible opportunity to help growing believers in Israel to become more like Christ.

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“Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them in this land, with all My heart and with all My soul.”

Jeremiah 32:41

Help a Jewish Person Return Home

Aliyah Return Fund

Israel has become a refuge for Jewish people fleeing France, the UK, Ukraine, Russia, and Argentina. As many as 250,000 Jewish individuals are seeking to escape war, poverty, and severe antisemitic persecution. The Lord is gathering His people and planting them in the Holy Land as more and more individuals make aliyah, or immigrate, to Israel each year. You can be part of God’s plan to rescue and restore the Jewish people by helping them return home, learn Hebrew, find employment or education, receive job training, and integrate into Israeli society.

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Connecting to Christ


Now more than any time in the last 75 years, soldiers in the IDF are experiencing exhaustion, post-traumatic stress, and spiritual hopelessness. The Friends of Israel is working to address these concerns with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ. One of these ministries, called “Connections,” seeks to form relationships between soldiers and believers in Israel, helping to connect soldiers to their true source of help, God Himself. All of our team members in Israel have served in the IDF and provide vital outreach to IDF soldiers at this difficult time of war. They provide safe opportunities and places for spiritual contemplation that many soldiers would otherwise never encounter. You can help spread the gospel and create life-changing connections to Christ.

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Reach the Needy in Ukraine and Eastern Europe

Eastern European Relief

Imagine the relief and gratitude of a family receiving a month’s worth of food, a child staying warm with new clothes, or an elderly person receiving much-needed medical care—all because of your generosity. In some areas, Jewish communities have been destroyed by war and need help rebuilding. Your support can make a life-changing difference for the most vulnerable people in Jewish communities across Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, Lithuania, Belarus, and the Baltic Region. As conflict continues, the need for food and essential supplies is more urgent than ever. For just a few dollars, your contribution stretches incredibly far in these troubled regions, delivering hope and sustenance where it is needed most. Join us in this urgent mission to reach the needy and bring hope to Jewish communities and refugees enduring hardship.

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Loving Russians to Life

Ministry in Russia

All people everywhere need God’s love. And if we are to be like Christ and show them His love, we must be willing to spend time to visit, pray, and love people to life. For 30 years, FOI field workers have been making trips into St. Petersburg and other parts of Russia to minister to Jewish people to aid the forgotten. The objective is to bring food packages, financial aid, medicine, Bibles, household necessities, and even beds. Our workers provide Bible study, worship, and discipleship programs. Making six to seven trips to Russia each year, our workers have served well over 4,000 Russian families. Such ministry comes at a great expense and takes much planning, but the fruit it produces is an everlasting blessing. You can be such a blessing to the forgotten Jewish communities in Russia when you give to FOI’s Russian Ministry.

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Give a Soldier a Safe Place to Encounter God

Meet at the Mountain

Straight out of high school, Israelis must serve for 2–3 years in the military or related logistical service. Once done with their military service, it’s common for these young adults to try to find meaning and purpose in their lives. Many choose to backpack the exotic terrain of New Zealand, where they receive the warm hospitality of our FOI team and lodging, warm meals, hot showers, and comfortable beds. In this safe space, these young adults have spiritual questions, and with gentleness and respect, our team is able to give testimony to those who ask. You can help make an Israeli backpacker’s stay in New Zealand unforgettable, maybe even life-changing, by making it possible for him or her to learn of God’s love for them.

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“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

Psalm 46:10

Be the Hands and Feet of Christ in Israel

Ministry Trips

The best way to influence a new generation of believers and teach them about Israel’s relevance is to take them to the Holy Land and put them to work serving the Jewish people. Some call this “experiential learning,” but we call it ministry. This immersive experience engraves the significance of the Jewish people into the hearts of these volunteers and imprints the power of Christian love into the hearts of Israelis. These volunteers are often young and need financial support to afford the trip. Can you help them? When you sponsor a volunteer, you send the love of the Messiah directly to the Jewish people and you forever imprint Israel in the heart of a young believer. Your generosity makes a lasting impact, creating a ripple effect of faith and love that spans generations and borders. Help shape the future of Christian-Jewish relations by supporting a volunteer today.

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Uplift Pastors

Pastors' Trips to Israel

Can you imagine learning American history from a teacher who has never visited the United States? This is the case for most pastors in the United States. Most have never been to the land of the Bible—Israel. When we take pastors to Israel for the first time, they return to their congregations with a whole new perspective on the land, people, religious and cultural traditions, current geopolitical intricacies, and challenges. Many pastors cannot afford to make this ministry-transforming trip to the far side of the globe. That’s why we ask for your help to make this a reality for a pastor who needs financial assistance to study the Bible in Israel on one of FOI’s Pastors Study Trips. You can forever impact and uplift the ministry of a pastor you send to Israel.

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Be a Friend of Israel

Where Needed Most

Just as you cherish your relationship with God, so do we at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. Our passion for God, His Word, and the Jewish people drives everything we do. Together, we share our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, uphold Israel’s right to the land, stand firmly against antisemitism, and lead lives anchored in biblical truth, integrity, and compassion. We believe that a deep love for God’s Word naturally extends to a profound compassion for God’s Chosen People—the Jewish people.

When you support the greatest needs at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, you affirm your commitment as a true friend of God’s uniquely Chosen People and a devoted follower of the Lord. Join us in making a meaningful difference as we walk together in faith, love, and unwavering support for Israel and the Jewish people.


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God works through your generous gifts to take the good news of Jesus Christ to
millions of people worldwide. Thank you for your faithful partnership.


Making the decision to give is significant. In Touch Ministries uses your gifts prudently and strategically to further the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

Summer Camps

Give an Israeli child a week away from the fears and pressures of daily life in Israel.


Holocaust Survivors

Provide encouragement to Holocaust survivors by meeting their physical needs.



Equip us with the resources—personnel, materials, supporting services—needed to fulfill our mission.



Equip us with the resources—personnel, materials, supporting services—needed to fulfill our mission.


Eastern Europe

Children's Summer Camps

When you sponsor a child, you make it possible for him or her to enjoy daily activities while deepening their understanding of the goodness of God. Every child receives the gift of a new Bible, a new backpack, and new clothes.

Eastern Europe

Children's Summer Camps

When you sponsor a child, you make it possible for him or her to enjoy daily activities while deepening their understanding of the goodness of God. Every child receives the gift of a new Bible, a new backpack, and new clothes.

North America

  • ORIGINS & Hesed Trips
  • Care for Holocaust Survivors
  • North American Outreach
  • Elderly Care & Holiday Baskets
  • Thank God for Israel Day
  • University Outreach

  • Israel Relief
  • Summer Camp Ministry
  • Music & Arts
  • Aliyah Fund
  • Israeli Christian Soldiers
Eastern Europe

Children's Summer Camps

When you sponsor a child, you make it possible for him or her to enjoy daily activities while deepening their understanding of the goodness of God. Every child receives the gift of a new Bible, a new backpack, and new clothes.

Eastern Europe

Children's Summer Camps

When you sponsor a child, you make it possible for him or her to enjoy daily activities while deepening their understanding of the goodness of God. Every child receives the gift of a new Bible, a new backpack, and new clothes.

Eastern Europe

Children's Summer Camps

When you sponsor a child, you make it possible for him or her to enjoy daily activities while deepening their understanding of the goodness of God. Every child receives the gift of a new Bible, a new backpack, and new clothes.

Eastern Europe

Children's Summer Camps

When you sponsor a child, you make it possible for him or her to enjoy daily activities while deepening their understanding of the goodness of God. Every child receives the gift of a new Bible, a new backpack, and new clothes.

Eastern Europe

Children's Summer Camps

When you sponsor a child, you make it possible for him or her to enjoy daily activities while deepening their understanding of the goodness of God. Every child receives the gift of a new Bible, a new backpack, and new clothes.

Eastern Europe

Children's Summer Camps

When you sponsor a child, you make it possible for him or her to enjoy daily activities while deepening their understanding of the goodness of God. Every child receives the gift of a new Bible, a new backpack, and new clothes.