To start the Divine Revolution series click here. Egypt is unrecognizable. The once-lush fields that were fed by the Nile are left desolate by torrential hail and swarming locusts. The …
Divine Revolution: Blood Water (Part 3)
To start the Divine Revolution series click here. All of Egypt is abuzz with the nearly apocalyptic events that have unfolded since Moses went before Pharaoh again. I have to …
Divine Revolution: Get Your Own Straw (Part 2)
To read my previous blog click here. I’m a realist. My cup is neither half empty nor half full. As a Hebrew slave in Egypt I’m convinced you have to …
Divine Revolution: Moses Returns (Part 1)
Something different happened in Egypt today, which is unusual for me and my people. I always wake up before the sun rises to the sound of everyone marching to work. …
Why I’m Pro-Israel and NOT Anti-Palestinian (Part 2)
When you have a conversation with someone about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians it seems as though you have to draw a hard line in the sand: You …
Why I’m Pro-Israel and NOT Anti-Palestinian (Part 1)
When you have a conversation with someone about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians it seems as though you have to draw a hard line in the sand: You …