Grace Imitators

In Blogs, Devotional by Becky MeissnerLeave a Comment


I wake up with the usual Thursday morning expectation. I pick up my phone, look at my Facebook app and sure enough, one new notification. As always, my mother has posted a “Throwback Thursday” picture.

She chose a memory circa 1985 when my family camped in the great outdoors, probably in the Poconos somewhere. My dad sat on the picnic table bench, facing away from the table, towards the camera, with his hands on his skinny knees. There I sat, right next to him on the bench, facing the camera, with my pudgy toddler hands on my pudgy toddler knees, as my feet dangled a couple feet above the ground. Clearly, I was imitating my father.

Ephesians 5:1–2 says, “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour.”

Still on Facebook, I don’t have to scroll very far before seeing unkind, bitter words of condemnation or accusation. Political battles find their voice and the noise becomes deafening to my eyes. I close the app and ask myself, “How am I doing at imitating my Father in heaven?”

My heavenly Father is just, righteous, and honest. My heavenly Father is a peace-loving Reconciler. My heavenly Father is rich in mercy. My heavenly Father brings life to those who are dead. My heavenly Father is generous with blessings. My heavenly Father is strong and meek. My heavenly Father loves sacrificially for the benefit of others. My heavenly Father is so very kind and patient. I know this, because He has demonstrated all of these attributes to me, personally.

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When I remember my heavenly Father’s great kindness to me, I’m moved to be kind to others, tenderhearted, forgiving, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven me. I want to be an imitator of His great grace, so that others may know Him through me.

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Becky Meissner

Becky is a Field Ministries Representative in Las Vegas, Nevada. You can support her ministry online here.

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