Israel News

IDF’s Long Night Curbs Terror Threats Throughout Israel

In News Surrounding Israel by Jesse King

An uptick in terrorist activity has kept the Israel Defense Forces busy. Since a string of fatal terror attacks were carried out this past spring, Israel’s Operation Wave Breaker has allowed the IDF to devote more time and manpower to preventing terrorist attacks. Yesterday particularly kept the forces on their toes. 

An IDF unit thwarted a terror cell attempting to cross the security barrier from Hebron leading toward Beersheba. Soldiers stopped a suspicious vehicle and arrested the four suspects inside when ammunition, IDF military uniforms, surveillance devices, and about NIS 80,000 (approximately $23,746 USD) were discovered in the vehicle. 

Elsewhere, Israeli Border Police caught a terrorist red-handed as he threw a Molotov cocktail at Rachel’s Tomb, a Jewish site of prayer and study. 

IDF forces continued conducting counterterrorism activities overnight throughout Judea and Samaria. They found terrorists and rioters throwing stones, grenades, and Molotov cocktails at them. In total, the IDF arrested 12 terror suspects in Judea and Samaria on Tuesday night.

Sometimes we forget how much danger Israel’s defenders face each day. Many of us will never have to defend ourselves from rocks and grenades, yet these men and women face these dangers on a regular basis. Terrorism in Israel is a good reminder that no matter how prosperous and pleasant it is to live in Israel, enemies will always take aim at the Jewish people because of their identity as God’s Chosen People living in the Holy Land He promised them. To that end, we see how necessary it is that we pray for the peace of Jerusalem today and every day.

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Jesse King

Jesse is the managing editor of Israel My Glory magazine and a staff writer for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry.