Israel News

One Life at a Time

In News Surrounding Israel by Tim Munger

Like modern Israel, founded in 1948, Sheba Tel HaShomer has gained global acclaim as a Top Ten Global Hospital by Newsweek in 2019.

Their website notes the makeup of Sheba, from its campus location and size to its staff and statistics. Those figures are as follows:

Located on a 200 acre campus just south of Tel Aviv, the medical center has a local feel with a global reach. The building houses 159 medical departments, about 2,000 beds, and 75 laboratories. But the people are what makes Sheba impactful and impressive, as the staff includes:

10,000 health care professionals with

1,700 Doctors

2,740 Nurses

Who annually see:

430,000 inpatients

1,600,000 outpatients

200,000 ER Visits

50,000 surgeries

12,000 maternal deliveries

4,000,000 medical tests

This message from the website summarizes the scope and impact of the Sheba Medical Center.

“SHEBA Medical Center: A leading international force in Medicine and Biotechnological Innovation;

Sheba Medical Center sets the standard for excellence in patient focused care. Sheba is strongly committed to delivering personalized, expert medicine to everyone from all over the world.”

The phrase “Small But Mighty” fits both the nation of Israel and Sheba Tel HaShomer Medical Center. It presents a living example of the Israeli motto, “He who saves a life is as if they saved the whole world.”

(Source: Sheba Tel HaShomer)

About the Author
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Tim Munger

Tim Munger is a Church Ministries Representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry in the Detroit, Michigan area. Tim organizes and speaks at church conferences around the country.