May 22, 2018

In News Surrounding Israel by The Friends of Israel

Paraguay Becomes Third Country To Open Embassy In Jerusalem

Paraguay opened its new embassy in Jerusalem Monday (21st), with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailing the country as a “true friend,” making it the third country to do so after the United States and Guatemala opened their embassies last week.

At the ceremony, Netanyahu said, “It is a great day for Israel; a great day for Paraguay and a great day for our friendship.  You have done much for our country, now you are doing something for both our countries..”

Netanyahu recalled that Paraguay helped Jews escape from Nazi Germany and supported the creation of the State of Israel.

He said to Paraguayan President, Horacio Cartes,”Under your leadership, Paraguay took a very bold stance in international affairs and refused to cooperate with the lies directed at Israel.  We always remember that. Thank you and thank you Paraguay.”



Israel To Host The Air Forces Of The World   

In coming days a unique air force conference will be held in Israel in which more than 20 air force commanders will participate from various countries around the world.

The International Air Force Commanders Conference was considered one of the flag events in the framework of the Israel Air Force’s 70th anniversary events.

The conference will be spread over three days and will include lectures, tours, strategic discussions, and joint air training.

Germany, Canada, Greece, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, USA, Italy, Brazil, Britain, France, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Finland, Belgium, Vietnam, and India will be taking part in the event.



Col. Kemp To UN Human Rights Council: Hamas Seeks Destruction Of Israel And Murder Of Jews Everywhere

Col. Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, told the UN Human Rights Council on Friday (18th): “Hamas, a terrorist organization that seeks the destruction of Israel and murder of Jews everywhere, deliberately caused over 60 of its own people to get killed.  They sent thousands of civilians to the front line – as human shields for terrorists trying to break through the border.”

“I ask every country in this Council: You have all been telling us that Israel should have reacted differently.  But how would you respond if a Jihadist terror group sent thousands to flood your borders, and gunmen to massacre your communities?  Your failure to admit that Hamas is responsible for every drop of blood spilt on the Gaza border encourages the violence.”



Thousands Chant “Death To Israel” In Morocco

More than 10,000 Moroccans chanting “Death to Israel” marched in Casablanca on Sunday (20th) to protest against the U.S. decision to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.  The marchers carried Palestinian flags and placards that read “Al Quds (Jerusalem), Palestine’s eternal capital.”



Arabs In Haifa March In Solidarity With Hamas-led ‘March Of Return”

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in the northern Israeli city of Haifa for the third night in a row Sunday (20th) in solidarity with Hamas-led Gaza protesters

The pro-Hamas demonstrators gathered in several locations in the mixed Arab-Jewish city, waving Palestinian flags.

Police said participants at one of the demonstrations shouted slogans against the U.S. and Israel and praised the “martyrs” killed in the violent Hamas-led protests on the Gaza border over the past several weeks.



Hamas: We’ll Renew Border Demonstrations In Early June

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar threatened on Monday (21st) to renew the violent demonstrations on the Gaza border in early June.

Interviewed by the Hizbullah-affiliated Al- Miyadeen network, he said, “We will continue marching until we achieve all our goals, first and foremost the lifting of the siege on Gaza.”



Report: Explosions Heard At Iranian Facilities Near Damascus

Explosions rocked an area housing an Iranian facility near Damascus early Monday morning (21st), according to a report in Sky News Arabia.

It was not clear what caused the blasts which came days after other mysterious explosions on Friday (18th) and Sunday (20th) at the Hama military base.



U.S. Vows ‘Strongest Sanctions In History’ On Iran, Will ‘Crush’ Terror Proxies

WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the Trump administration is preparing to impose “the strongest sanctions in history” on Tehran after withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal earlier this month, and laid out a laundry list of demands for a new treaty, in his first major speech outlining Washington’s strategy for curtailing the Islamic Republic’s nuclear ambitions and its ‘malign’ regional behavior.

“We will apply unprecedented financial pressure on the Iranian regime…The sting of sanctions will only grow more painful if the regime doesn’t change course….New ones are coming…The regime should know that this is just the beginning,” Pompeo said.  

“If they restart their nuclear program, they will have bigger problems than they have ever had before,” he added.

Pompeo also threatened to “crush” Iran’s proxies around the world.



Iran To U.S.: We Don’t Need Your Permission To Operate In The Middle East

Iran has rejected United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s speech, which set conditions for the Islamic Republic that, if not met, would be subject to harsh sanctions.

A senior official in the Tehran regime said, “The conditions of the United States are meaningless.  Iran does not need anyone’s permission to act in the Middle East. Our missile programs will be determined according to Iranian needs.”



Iran Rejects Russian Call To Leave Syria After War Ends

In a rare show of public disagreement over the weekend, Iran and Russia sparred over the future military arrangement in Syria.

After President Vladimir Putin said foreign troops, including Iran and Hizbullah should depart Syria when the civil war ends, the Islamic Republic responded that “no one can force Iran to do anything.”

Iran said on Monday (21st) that “no one” can force Iran to leave Syria, vowing to remain in the war-torn country to support the regime of Bashar Al-Assad.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said, “Our presence in Syria is legitimate.”
