Today we’re going to answer an #AskFOI question that came from Linda on Facebook. Linda asked, “In the Old Testament could people lose their salvation after they believed, or were …
The Bible is Embarrassing
Before you go down to the comments box to pen a scathing message about my thoughtless approach to the Scriptures, please hear me out. Nobody likes to admit it when …
Are You A Non-Jew Who Feels "Jew-ish"? [VIDEO]
I recently read an article that just made me smile. The article claims that 1.2 million American non-Jews feel “Jew-ish,” despite not having any familial or religious ties to Judaism. While the …
Is Israel Still a Part of God’s Ultimate Plan of Redemption?
ince the fall in Genesis 3, when Adam and Eve disobeyed the Lord’s one command, God has been on a mission to redeem what has fallen. The Lord has been …
Similarities Between Jesus and King David (Part 2)
In the previous post I noted that, “Jesus didn’t just appear out of nowhere, according to the Scriptures He’s a part of the royal family of David, which makes him …
Similarities Between Jesus and King David (Part 1)
I have to be honest with you… I grew up reading the Bible, but when I would get to the genealogies that are found all throughout the OT and NT …